When will Vietnam stop becoming China’s copy?

French radio station RFI reported that on November 1, the Chinese government announced that all social network accounts of influential figures with many followers will have to reveal their real identities. Accordingly, the Chinese government has just forced influential figures…
Giáo dục: Người bán bị lên án, kẻ mua lại vô can

Link Video: https://youtu.be/zyyWsjH9Swo Ngày 2/11, trên trang Facebook cá nhân của nhà giáo – Tiến sĩ Chu Mộng Long có bài bình luận “Sao không lột truồng đứa mua dâm?” Theo đó, tác giả thường phẫn nộ với các vụ…
Vietnamese police chief and his ambitions for party’s chief

Following part 1, we talked about Vietnamese Minister of Public Security To Lam’s relentless ambitions for a long time. He revealed intentions that are difficult to justify, making forces and individuals in the Party, especially General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong,…