It is no longer unusual for officials in Vietnam to be discovered using fake degrees to get promoted. The only question is whether it was “exposed” or not. Anyone who is well shielded can still escape even using ten fake degrees and continue to climb to higher seats of power.
Most recently, state media reported that Nguyen Cong Thang, Chairman of the Inspection Commission of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee, has just been disciplined by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, on the grounds of using a fake master’s degree to do a doctoral thesis.
Specifically, when defending his thesis and being awarded a doctorate, Nguyen Cong Thang used a fake Master’s degree certificate in his PhD exam documents, then used this PhD degree to take the civil servant promotion exam.
It is worth mentioning that the Provincial Party Committee’s Inspection Committee is the agency that inspects and supervises party members in the implementation of the Party Charter and the observance of state laws. Yet, Thang held the position of Chairman of the Inspection Commission of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee, and also used a fake master’s degree, which was discovered much later.
Chairman of the Inspection Commission of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee, Nguyen Cong Thang, was accused by the Standing Committee of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee: “… violated the Party’s regulations, the State’s laws, and violated the party’s rules.” Employees are not allowed to do things and have the responsibility to set an example; his violation has affected the reputation of the Party organization and individuals.”
Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee voted to discipline Mr. Thang and reported the incident to the Central Inspection Commission.
According to his self-declared resume, Thang has two Master’s degrees in Economics and Law, and a Doctorate in Economics. He has experienced many important positions in Bac Ninh, since 2007. Specifically, in 2019, when he was only 36 years old, Thang was appointed Head of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission. Then, in 2022, when he was only 39 years old, Thang was again appointed as Chairman of the Inspection Commission of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee.
Facebook Chinh Ly Hoang, a well-informed person, revealed:
“A chess doctor joined a team, then quickly and arrogantly ascended the throne of Bac Ninh city. If he were not exposed, perhaps the doctor would become the father and mother of the people of Vietnam.
A 39-year-old fake Doctor, proudly sitting at the jury palace in Bac Ninh, at that time this Doctor was praised by the press and considered a rare talent in Vietnam.
They all have one thing in common: they love to grind historical records at the Dong Do university [the private educational facility giving degrees to people without taking courses], like to collect all kinds of diplomas from PhDs in badminton, chess, PhDs in flattery, etc. and are extremely good at stalking positions.”
“P/s HP Thang, who was recently removed, is said to be the son of a former comrade of Bac Ninh Secretary?”
Besides, recently, public opinion has also widely discussed the granting of Professor and Associate Professor titles. Professor Tran Van Nhung – General Secretary of the State Council for Professorships said that currently, the whole country has about 1,600 Professors and 10,000 Associate Professors, but very small number of them participating in teaching and research.
Yet, the State Council of Professors has just announced a list of 648 candidates from 28 majors, proposed to be qualified to be considered for recognition of the title of Professor and Associate Professor in 2023. Notably, the field of Security Sciences Security has only one candidate, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyen Hoa Binh.
Public opinion finds that Nguyen Hoa Binh does not deserve the title of Professor, because he does not meet the standards and prerequisites of having to participate in teaching and guiding students on scientific research topics.
That’s not to mention the true qualifications of Chief Justice Nguyen Hoa Binh. According to Lawyer Tran Dinh Trien, Head of Vi Dan Law Office, once affirmed about his “fellow” friend, in general, Chief Justice Binh’s legal ability is at the level of reading a legal document but don’t even understand.
It is known that Nguyen Hoa Binh only has “the candidate’s contribution to the country’s development” which has not been specifically mentioned.
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong repeatedly boasted that “Our country has never had the potential, position and international prestige that it has today.” Public opinion sees that perhaps the record regarding degrees, academic titles, as well as the titles of leading officials must be mentioned.
Let me reiterate, in the scandal of Dong Do University issuing fake degrees, the majority of people who bought degrees from this school were officials and civil servants in the localities.
Thoibao.de (Translated)