Super robbers behind Vietnam’s rescue flights!

The defendants were in court, but the court did not say a word about the rights of their victims

According to information from Spokesman To An Xo of Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security, the “vampire” group carried out a total of 2,000 rescue flights and earned about VND4 trillion ($172 million). People trapped in foreign countries were mercilessly sucked blood by this group, and now, they are being prosecuted.

The number of “victim party” in the “rescue flights” was estimated at 200,000. To have a one-way ticket back home, from countries in East Asia, such as Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore…, Vietnamese students and workers had to pay from VND40 million to VND50 million each. And tickets from Europe, America, Canada, Australia, Africa, are hundreds of millions. Not to mention, people were also forced to pay for “compulsory service combos“, at exorbitant prices. They were victims of exploitation, coercion, abuse, appropriation of money … organized and implemented by the Communist regime in Vietnam.

Every court hearing requires the presence of the affected party. And the affected party must have their rights recovered by the court. However, during the flight rescue trial, the victim was kicked to the side.

The case has been investigated and concluded, but the file does not mention the interests of the victims. At the trial, no one mentioned anything about the interests of the victims.

All 54 people were prosecuted, including 21 former officials and public employees, who were jointly involved in, colluding, giving bribes, accepting bribes, coercing businesses, brokering, running sentences, etc. The money that the defendants received, was definitely the victims’ money. Those fellow bloodsuckers must give their money back, that’s for sure. However, they must pay into the state budget, not the court, for the court to return to the victims.

Then, it is clear that this “vampire” group sucks the blood of the people, and then the state sucks the blood from this group of “vampires.”

Obviously, in the end people’ blood is still sucked. But that smoker is in the name of justice, in the name of the people.

The Communist state has always exhorted them to be “a state of the people, by the people, and for the people.” But with this action, they are the last to take all the money from the people’s pockets, so what’s the difference, they are robbers of the robbers? That is the “for the people” thing of the Communist Party.

It is known that of the five crimes that the Hanoi People’s Procuracy prosecuted in the “rescuing flight” case, including: “Giveaways,” “Receiving bribes,” “Bribery brokers,” “Fraud to appropriate property,” and “Abusing positions and powers while on official duty” (according to Articles 354, 364, 365, 174, 174 and 356 respectively) of the 2015 Criminal Code, but their victims are not included in the trial.

Therefore, 200,000 victims in this case have no right to claim damages.

Vietnamese laws are made by Communist officials, but no one really represents the people to make those laws. Those who obey and apply the law are also members of the Party, so they cannot be for the people. Making laws and applying laws to “legitimize” them, to bring benefits to the Party and the state officials. So, the state can legally eat up what it sucks out of people’s pockets. This is the most sophisticated way of stealing. Stealing, stealing, and then being praised for justice, for a good society.

In the land law, there is a sentence that the Communist government inserted, to legalize the act of stealing people’s land. That is, “land owned by the entire people, managed by the state.”

The word “all people” is considered a lingo, because there is no specific object called “all people.” Where is that “all-people” man, do you have a citizen identification number? The “all-people” object has absolutely no legal status. It was molded to take away the people’s right to own land. And so, the state wants to take land when, where, just take it. That is the source leading to the coercive battles, blatantly stealing people’s land. They legitimized the act of stealing by such cunning.

Thus, in the rules used by the court to hear the rescue flight case, there is no provision on the role of the victims. Thus, the money robbed from the pockets of the people fell into the pockets of the regime’s officials. In this case, the regime is the super robber hiding behind the rescue flights. (Translated)