Why did Vietnamese communist chief “not take the clear path, preferring to run through the bushes”?

In the past, a series of wrong policies by Vietnam’s leadership caused the country’s economy and society to decline to a serious level.

That is why, in 1986, the Communist Party of Vietnam was forced to decide on economic reform, converting from a “centrally planned economy” following the Soviet model, to a capitalist market economy.

The “renovation” policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1986 clearly helped the Vietnamese people have a less harsh life, compared to people in North Korea and Cuba.

Radio Voice of France (RFI) on January 4, 2024 had an article titled “Cuba celebrates 65 years of ‘victory’ in famine.” At the beginning, RFI assessed “Cuba, a devastated country after 65 years of Communism.”

RFI quoted the French newspaper Le Figaro on January 3, 2024, describing the situation of “Hyperinflation, famine, despair… The sad anniversary of the Cuban revolution [January 1, 1959].”

RFI also quoted Libération newspaper, in an editorial titled “Hell” emphasized “exactly 65 years after Fidel Castro declared ‘Victory of the Revolution’ Cuba is in crisis. The capital [La Havana] is full of beggars, many of whom live temporarily waiting for the opportunity to emigrate to another country.”

According to Le Figaro newspaper, in one of the last Communist countries, like every year, on January 1 and 2, this island nation celebrates “Victory of the Revolution.” But this 65th anniversary is the sad anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, with “Hyperinflation, famine, despair…”, when Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz announced a shocking plan: 25% price increase in electricity, gas, gasoline, water, public transportation and even cigar prices.

RFI’s newsletter also said:

“The number of civil servants will decrease and the peso will lose a lot of value. But the biggest worry of Cubans is the restriction of Libreta – Distribution Purchase Book. Although the amount of goods sold using stamps is getting less and less, without it, thousands of elderly people or people without relatives abroad would starve to death.”

Special envoy Le Figaro also described, “the crowds of frail elderly people, beggars, hungry women and children have been growing larger and larger in the capital La Habana for many months.”

And because of the shortages, Cuban Prime Minister Marrero Cruz proposed reducing the number of people receiving distribution benefits, a surprising choice, because apart from a few thousand privileged people at the top, everyone was in need of “purchase book” and it is a symbol, if it disappears, it will bury the basis of Socialism.

Meanwhile, according to analysts, Cuba’s left-leaning allies turned a blind eye. Moscow sent some food, but nothing more, if La Habana did not send troops to help them in Ukraine. China understands that the money it lent to Cuba is considered lost, so Beijing needs to keep its distance. For the US, the current sinking of Cuba shows that the US does not need to resume dialogue with Havana, because the Communist regime can collapse on its own.

According to RFI, in an editorial dated January 1, 2024, the independent newspaper 14ymedio of famous journalist Yoani Sánchez described:

“In 2023, Cuba is on the brink of hell. Essential goods are unavailable or too expensive, there is a shortage of medicine and doctors – although the health system has always been praised, agricultural land is abandoned, tourism is in decline. The concept of ‘pre-immigration’ appeared, Cubans lived a miserable life while waiting to leave. They don’t get married, don’t have children, don’t take new jobs, don’t pursue further education, don’t protest… Ghosts, on a ship drifting aimlessly.”

The fact that the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1986 recognized the market economy means that they accepted a multi-sector economy and multi-ownership of the means of production. The basic characteristic of the “centrally planned economy” according to the Soviet model is that it only accepts a collective economic sector, based on the principle of universal ownership of the means of production.

Therefore, it means that the “Socialist economy” in Vietnam has been abandoned by the Communists. That means: The Communist nature of the Party now only exists – the title “Party’s name.” As for all their policies and actions, there is absolutely nothing left from Communist Marxism-Leninism.

However, up to now, the Communist Party of Vietnam still “impersonates” the Communist Party. Because they don’t want the people, especially the Revolutionary veterans, to know that the Party has betrayed Communist ideals. At the same time, let them try to maintain and hold on to monopoly, totalitarian political power, for the benefits of the regime leaders.

On May 16, 2021, in an article titled “Some theoretical and practical issues about Socialism and the path to Socialism in Vietnam,” General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong concluded that:

“It is extremely important to always be steadfast on the theoretical ideological foundation of Marxism-Leninism… Ho Chi Minh’s ideology is sustainable values… It will continue develop and have vitality in the practice of the Revolution as well as in the practice of scientific development.”

The “nonsense” conclusion just mentioned by the head of the Communist Party of Vietnam – General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong – speaking in the “language” of Professor of Mathematics Ngo Bao Chau, is definitely the type “mad or crazy.”

If Mr. Trong and those who are “nostalgic” still do not believe, please read the article by journalist Tran Ngoc Bich, posted on the BBC Vietnamese website on February 19, 2021, after the author’s visit to Cuba, with the title: “Cuba is now Vietnam’s past, but there are many better opportunities.”

The way the Vietnamese communists lead the nation is like our ancestors said: “Not take the clear path, just like to go through the bushes.”

Tra My – Thoibao.de

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