Who is wrong, General Secretary or Prime Minister?

Bad country management causes a series of businesses to die

The Communist Party’s inherent weakness is its lack of intelligence. The Communists’ ability to govern the country is almost nil, if not negative. In almost every issue today, the Communist Party is ruling, not governing.

In other countries, society is very orderly, even though the state apparatus is very streamlined. People can live freely and not be haunted by the arbitrary power of the government.

In contrast, the Communist Party of Vietnam uses an extremely cumbersome apparatus, especially the police force. Police range from formal to informal, numbering in the millions. Every corner of the country is full of police. Although the state apparatus is crowded, Vietnamese society is very chaotic. Just looking at the traffic, you can partly imagine how Vietnamese society is operating.

In Vietnam, people are not unfamiliar with the scene where one sector builds, another sector destroys, the top tells the bottom, the bottom doesn’t listen, etc. Everyone does their own thing. Everyone thinks they have the right to judge the people, so the people don’t know who to listen to. If they do this way, it’s wrong, and if they do that way, they will be harassed, because the laws are inconsistent and chaotic. There are people who make mistakes, but their mistakes are ignored. That’s why society becomes very stuffy, it’s difficult for decent people to live, and it’s difficult for honest businesses to develop.

Because the government is incompetent, it bans all kinds of things, and bans things that cannot be controlled. That is the usual approach of this government. Anyone who has ever been abroad can clearly see that foreign society is not as oppressive as Vietnam’s. As long as you don’t do anything against the laws of your country, you can live with peace of mind. However, in Vietnam, even if you do not violate the law, you can still be arrested without cause, like recent arrests that are being condemned by society.

Recently, the press reported that a garment business in Saigon that used to employ 4,000 workers had to lay off most of them, leaving only 37 people. The reason is because of hunger for orders. This is the image of a business being suffocated because of the Communist government’s bad management.

If we dig deeper into the issue, the Vietnamese press once said that the Vietnamese garment industry lost orders because of slow green transformation. It is known that Bangladesh is also a poor country like Vietnam, but they have so many orders that they cannot afford it. The reason is no secret, because the Bangladesh government has advocated a strong green transformation.

This is not Bangladesh’s discovery, but this is the request of rich countries, which place orders. The Bangladeshi government quickly and effectively took action, and as a result, they created great opportunities for their country’s garment businesses.

What about the Communist Party of Vietnam? They could not meet the requirements that rich countries made, and so, Vietnamese businesses took the consequences.

Last year, G7 countries along with Norway and Denmark promised to support Vietnam with a $15.5 billion package to help Vietnam transform green. However, does the Communist Party of Vietnam make anything? Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has been clinging to coal-fired power for so long, and has overlooked green energy. Because of the monopoly, coal power producers can be pampered, because they have had a symbiotic relationship for a long time.

Not only that, the government also took action against environmental protection activists. Six environmental activists were arrested and sentenced to unfair sentences. The most recent were the two arrests of Ms. Hoang Thi Minh Hong and Ms. Ngo Thi To Nhien. Both of these women are participating in helping Vietnam implement the green transition process, according to the roadmap committed to donor countries.

This has caused donors who are helping Vietnam’s green transformation to be cautious, and may even give up. Because civilized countries require transparency, and to be transparent, there must be the participation of independent experts, like Ms. Hong or Ms. Nhien.

If the green transformation is not successful, in the future, Vietnamese export businesses will suffer. So among the two people, Prime Minister Chinh and General Secretary Trong, who is the culprit causing this damage?

Many opinions believe that both are the culprits. Not only that, the entire Communist Party is the culprit in crushing Vietnamese businesses because of their incompetence.

Thoibao.de (Translated)