Strict discipline but loose mechanism: Vietnamese communist chief was helpless and did not know reason!

Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong does not accept institutional change

On October 16, Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s Central Inspection Commission Tran Cam Tu wrote an article titled “The Party Inspection Sector continues to promote its glorious tradition of 75 years of establishment and growth” published in Nhan Dan newspaper. As the head of the Central Inspection Commission, writing an article to flatter his own agency can only be a brazen person. If you want to build the Party, if you want the Party to be clean, there need to be articles that criticize and point out the Party’s shortcomings to overcome, not self-flagellating articles like this.

This is a chronic disease of the CPV. They only like to be flattered and do not like to be criticized, although they still say the words “criticism and self-criticism.”

According to Mr. Tran Cam Tu, “Party disciplinary action must be strict and timely.” Perhaps, during his 12 years as General Secretary, Nguyen Phu Trong used the Central Inspection Commission to punish many cadres. Looking at the number of officials disciplined and especially those sent to prison, it can be said that Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong is the strongest General Secretary compared to previous generations. The reason is, since opening up, the economy has developed, there is more money in the people, so officials can freely take advantage of it. That is one of the reasons why corrupt officials in the Party have become more numerous than before. Furthermore, in a time when the internet, especially social networks, has become popular, those who steal from the state budget are more easily denounced than before. People who have been unjustly wronged or have grievances can expose evidence online.

The current Communist Party and the Communist Party before 1986 are not different politically, only in economic model. The nature of the Party remains the same. That same mechanism has molded Communist people to rule society, so inherent weaknesses such as: willpower, lack of vision, lack of management ability and especially insatiable greed, etc. These characteristics cannot improve the situation of corruption and irresponsibility in the apparatus.

Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, in his role as head of the Personnel Subcommittee of the 13th National Congress, approved such personnel as: Nguyen Duc Chung, Chu Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thanh Long, Vu Duc Dam, Pham Binh Minh, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, etc. However, after half the term, the officials “wisely” chosen by Mr. Trong and his Party, showed their true colors as irresponsible and corrupt people, causing harm to the nation.

In fact, the Communist Party’s mistake is an institutional mistake. Inside the one-party, dictatorial political system created by the Communist Party, there are many loopholes. It is this institution that has produced officials who are both ignorant and greedy and selfish. No matter who Mr. Trong chooses, the result will be the same.

In the entire Party, everyone only cares about making money. When given the opportunity, any official will take the opportunity to fill his pockets with greed, no one is pure. Just look at the floating assets of officials, such as houses, cars… and you can see that most of them are obtained by corruption.

Fighting corruption only destroys the tip, the root, which is the political system, is still there. Inside this institution are loose mechanisms, creating conditions for corrupt officials to extract and then cover up. So, there is no way to eliminate corruption. That is why, the more Mr. Trong fights, the more corruption flares up.

Mr. Trong fights corruption like trimming a hedge. Once cut, new shoots grow again, and are even more lush than before. However, he still believes that his anti-corruption campaign is effective. If anyone dares to mention the wrong institution, he will let police to handle it.

Now Mr. Trong is 79 years old, he will not be in power much longer. Certainly, even if he fights corruption for the rest of his life, corruption will still exist. It will be impossible to be pure with a political system like the current one. Mr. Trong’s anti-corruption efforts, in the end, only brought him fame, the people still got nothing. The rescue flight case is an example, the victims did not receive a refund, only the officials participating in the investigation get a lot of money from those who robbed the people. (Translated)