Controlling Vietnam – China implements “Chinese Dream”?

Since Xi Jinping became President in 2013, Beijing has been trying to promote his new slogan: “Chinese Dream” in Chinese characters. Liu Ming Fu, former Chinese army colonel, said: “President Xi Jinping’s dream is a stronger nation with a mighty…
High risk of mass prisoners’ death in Vietnam due to Covid-19

Since the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19, many countries have been releasing prisoners to prevent the risk of disease spread in prisons. International organizations have also called for the release of vulnerable prisoners but so far Vietnam has not taken any…
Vietnam “devastated” because of China-sourced Covid-19

The World Bank said that Vietnam “has started to suffer from the unpredictable volatility” of the current global financial market because of Covid-19 pandemic and economic growth is likely to decline to 4.9% as well as “increasing the poverty rate…