Adopting Prisoners of Conscience – practical work!

Recently, US Representative Alan Lowenthal, representative of District 47, California, shared at a seminar on human rights in Vietnam that he was implementing the procedure to officially adopt young prisoner of conscience Nguyen Van Hoa. “I am very impressed with…
VTV should apologize to street vendors!

On August 15, 2020, on the VTV website, there was a short video titled “Street vendors struggling to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic to make a living, in which street vendors were called “parasites.” This reportage was immediately met with angry…
More high-ranking officers of Vietnam’s army disciplined

One former commander and a former deputy commander of the 4th Corps with the rank of lieutenant-general of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) have just been warned by the Central Inspection Committee for violations in land management and use. Six…