Việt Nam coi thường lệnh trừng phạt Nga của EU

Link Video: Một bản tin ngày 17/2 trên VOA Tiếng Việt loan tin “Tàu chở dầu Việt Nam bị bắt giữ ở Tây Ban Nha vì liên quan đến lệnh trừng phạt Nga”. Theo bản tin này, một tàu…
Vietnam’s “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership”: Who Are They?

Vietnam has so far selected only three countries as “comprehensive strategic partners” namely Russia, China, and India. The US has proposed three times to upgrade its relationship with Vietnam to a “strategic partner” (lower than “comprehensive strategic partnership”) but Vietnam…
EU calls on Vietnam to turn its back on Russia and stand with Ukraine

Ambassadors of 21 European countries have just written a joint editorial in which they expressed disappointment with Vietnam’s abstention at the United Nations, calling on Hanoi to “stand with Ukraine” and use its influence over Russia to influence Moscow. Russia’s…