Former security officer warns: The regime collaps when police fire at people

  Blogger Ba Sam Nguyen Huu Vinh in the trial in which he was sentenced to 5 years in prison

Blogger Ba Sam Nguyen Huu Vinh proposed: Vietnam’s Public Security needs urgentl reform- because the Ministry of Public Security is currently a huge obstacle to economic and cultural development, threatening people’s rights, the country’s democracy and the regime’s survival.

Blogger Ba Sam Nguyen Huu Vinh, a former major of security, used to work at the Department of Political Protection 1, the General Department of Security, the Ministry of Public Security. He was arrested by the Communist authorities and sentenced to five years in prison for the establishment of the Ba Sam Blog, a well-known blog specializing in multi-dimensional information and social criticism of the Communist Party’s policies.

He proposed a plan to reform the Public Security sector: pointing out the weaknesses which are the top issues, related to capacity of Vietnam’s police, which need to be changed.

Because the police sector is currently a huge obstacle, to economic and cultural development as it obstruct democratic freedoms of the people, and endanger the regime.

He said “During 5 years of imprisonment, I sent 30 complaints about arresting, detaining, prosecuting me, and mentioned many wrongs and weaknesses of the police leaders – but there was no response. .

Although I have been out of Vietnam’s police for the past 20 years, and ‘returned’ as a prisoner, I keep on watching and wish it has to be changed. strong.”

Police were favored by the Communist Party too much, so they turned into cavalry to go to crime projects everywhere. The country is in peacetime, police power is superior to the army.

Police forces have long been awarded the “Sword of the Party” by the Communist Party of Vietnam. The force has its own slogan: “And the Party and I”
The positions of the president, prime pinister, standing deputy Prime Minister, permanent secretary of the party’s Secretariat and the head of the Central Organization Committee are all people who have been police officers for a long time or used to work in police forces.

But once the power is too great, lack of control mechanisms, but the knowledge, capacity and quality are weak, it is easy to generate unpredictable consequences.

On all forums, from the press, to the National Assembly, the work of other sectors and leaders is more or less discussed, questioned and criticized.
However, about the police, there is no such thing; simply because it is the “Sword of the Party.” CPV does not want to show people how blunt or sharp the sword is, while the task of protecting the Party is always considered top priority.

So arose the behavior “arrogant,” entailed a lack of respect for learning and self-discipline.

Trinh Xuan Thanh who was in Germany asking for asylum suddenly appeared on TV with a self-confession application

Terrible corruption, wrongful conviction, too many crimes.

Police “encroaching” into the field of civil and economic increasingly popular, making people, the media, and the government gradually acquainted and accepted.
The “security sword” became a cavalry force – because the laws overlapped with a lack of strictness and took political goals as the top standard.

More security, less police

Security forces are accounting for half in the Ministry of Public Security while in all civilized countries the majority are police.

Police always “criminalize” and “politicize” civil and economic relations to suppress people. Vietnam’s security forces by default are more secretive than the police, so there are a lot of corrupted cases due to lack of transparency- Vu nhom is an example of abuse to terrible corruption.

  • Trinh Xuan Thanh was abducted in Germany in the summer of 2017 and brought to Hanoi. The police generals involved in this incident are too immature in business, plus the “Wanderer-style” recklessness, despite international law, seriously affects diplomacy and nationalism. Up to now, this is still a complete “secret” to the domestic media and no one is responsible.
  • The Dong Tam case just broke out in early 2020. Overall, this case has been a total failure, exposing the poor public security sector on all sides.

If it is believed that three police officers died because they fell into the same sky well in the people’s houses, it was obvious that their qualifications were very weak.

Thousands of people equipped with modern weaponry were prepared for a year to confront only a group of elderly farmers.

If the fact that there is no story of police officers’ dead, or they died not in the announced way, it shows that this incident is a “business” regardless of morality, legal …

The case in which 84-year-old senior member of the Communist Party was murdered in his home is still hidden by the ministry while the photos and videos provided by his family still spread online – this is one “vented death” in the case.

Why did the thousands of riot policemen with modern equipment and weapons have no cameras and voice recorder to record the progress of the raid? They would allow you to get valuable evidence in the fight against crime.

The country’s reputation became worsened after the police’s brutal attack in Dong Tam. Tragically, a case can be solved by civil court, between soldiers and people, the police intervened by force.
More frightening, is the tendency to push the story into “political,” “terrorist,” even “subversive.”

But I believes that the more police try to cover it up, the more they show their inferiority.

Through the above incidents, I think that despite “winning” many battles, the most terrible defeat of the police forces is the loss of people’s confidence in police
• First, the police must change immediately from shaping the position/duty, first of all they must be the “sword” of people. Like the army, they should not be loyal to the Party.

At least that is true of the spirit of the 2013 Constitution: “The people’s armed forces are absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the People, the Party and the State …”

The attitude above the authority, mixed with guilt among the police officers is very clear.

On the contrary, among the people, attitudes are both fearful and aversion, but sometimes become hateful.

The recommendation also states that: The police force to preserve orders must be essential in peacetime, gradually reduce the security and force which work mainly to protect the party and the regime.

In fact, the security force was only suitable for the country at war time, to the time of peace that should have gradually reduced its size and power; security units for “anti-reactionary,” “economic security,” “cultural security,” and others need to be abolished or transferred to the police and civilian agencies.

• In addition, it is necessary to “civilize” the police force:
Household registration, exit and entry are civil affairs. Even the prisons would be managed by a private company.

Bringing civil officials to police forces like civilized countries do.

The Ministry of Public Security should be divided into two parts: the Ministry of Public Security has only the police, and the Intelligence Security Committee which belongs to the government and
specializes only in counter-espionage. The committee has units in the provincial level

President of the Independent Journalists Association Pham Chi Dung was arrested for writing articles criticizing the government’s policies

There should be a definitive abandonment of the hat-taking attitude that considers people and critical voices who want to expand democratic freedoms as hostile.

Civilization and modernization of the police forces, expanding international relations with developed countries such as the United Kingdom, France, the United States and Japan, from the stage of training, learning, exchanging information … but need to learn the spirit rule of law.

There is a need to drastically reform the training system: instead of recruiting pupils into police schools, people in other professions should be recruited and get short-term training.

Police should not participate in elected bodies. With the current apparatus, it is necessary to abandon the “special transfer” form of police officers to the National Assembly, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs and other state agencies and the giant state-owned firms.

In a rule-of-law society, the National Assembly, mass organizations and the Vietnamese press must have the right to inspect and supervise the police and immediately publicize the budget for the police.

As Vietnam increasingly integrates in the civilized world, the Communist Party still forces the Vietnamese people to follow the socialist model that has long failed globally because of its illusion.

This institution needs to change, the police apparatus specialized in suppressing the people also needs to be replaced, so that all people in the country can be at peace.

Thu Thuy from Hochiminh city – (translated)