South China Sea: China and its plan to announce ADIZ

China will face severe consequences and major disadvantage if unilaterally and illegally announces an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East Sea (South China Sea), according to Tran Cong Truc, a former head of the Vietnamese Government Border Committee.…
China invades South China Sea – Vietnam faces more difficulties

While Cambodian media reported that the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just sent a diplomatic note to the Vietnamese Embassy to request the removal of border guards camps built in the disputed border areas between the two countries, in…
Vietnam “puts its foot in its mouth” with China

Former Harvard Law professor, Professor Ta Van Tai, said that Vietnam is still avoiding the mention of Prime Minister Pham Van Dong’s diplomatic note in 1958, a document that he thinks has caused Hanoi to “put its foot in its…
Experts alert: China will use force anytime in Spratlys

The situation of the East Sea (South China Sea) is still very hot by the continuous aggressive actions of China. After announcing the establishment of the “Xisha” and “Nansha” administrative bodies of the Hoang Sa (Paracels) and the Truong Sa…