According to Resolution No. 70/2022/QH15, the Vietnamese highest legislative body National Assembly has approved budget expenditure for the Ministry of Public Security of VND100 trillion, equivalent to $4.2 billion. To imagine how large this amount of spending is, it can be compared with the level of spending on health and education. It is known that the expenditure for the Ministry of Education and Training is only VND6.256 trillion. That is, spending for the Ministry of Public Security is 16 times higher than that for the Ministry of Education. And spending for the Ministry of Health is VND7.467 trillion. Thus, spending on police is 13.4 times higher than spending on health.
Thus, in Vietnam, people face a shortage of hospitals, lack of medicine, and students have to swing by cable to cross streams to go to school, etc… because the Party has taken away all of the people’s welfare, in order to put it all away for the police forces. That is the nature of this regime, this nature remains unchanged, if the regime does not collapse. The Party has never given priority to the welfare of the people, but only cared about fattening those who were protecting the regime.
With $4.2 billion for the Ministry of Public Security, this is a huge expenditure. With such a large budget, the public security sector is inflationary in terms of generals. Because the higher the military rank, the easier it is to hold big positions, but holding large positions, the opportunity to corrupt from the budget is also great.
According to information from the inside, at present, within the Ministry of Public Security, there are very large interest groups forming. These groups compete with each other for this huge $4.2 billion fund. If the money is too big, they will fight each other very fiercely. Each faction wants to promote their own side, and so the Ministry of Public Security has more general officials.
No other ministry has as great a power as the Ministry of Public Security. Most ministerial levels do not have the power to appoint or dismiss departmental directors. For example, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment has no authority to appoint or dismiss any director of the provincial departments.
However, the Ministry of Public Security is different. Minister To Lam has the power to appoint, transfer or dismiss any provincial police chief. To Lam even has the right to arrange the deputy directors of the provincial police. With such authority, Mr. To Lam is said to be only the one who decides who is in which potitions in the Ministry of Public Security and the key positions of the provincial police departments.
As for the provincial police chiefs, they also have to earn a lot of money from the mountain of $4.2 billion, from which they can spend to find themselves higher positions. An inside source told us that in order to become the director of the provincial police department, one has to pay VND30 billion ($1.3 million) on average.
On May 27, Mr. To Lam proposed 6 more positions to be promoted to the rank of senior lieutenant general and major general. Recently, the Ministry of Public Security proposed to increase the rank of four-star general. All these proposed positions, the purpose is to create more wings and seek benefits, because the Ministry of Public Security currently has an excessive number of generals.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, the phenomenon of medical staff leaving their jobs was very large. The reason is hard work, low salary and high responsibilities. Often when mistakes happen, superiors blame subordinates, and that’s why no one wants to work in the public health industry, except those who are in positions of taking desicions (and the power for corruption and bribery).
The same goes for the Ministry of Education and Training, with very little funding, making this sector unable to develop. Teachers find ways to pickpocket parents, they use all kinds of tricks to force students to take additional lectures from them, creating a chaotic scene for a long time, but there is still no way to remove it.
Vietnam is a police state. The Communist Party actively deprives the entire people of the welfare, in order to finance the police forces, it is inevitable that the number of generals rise. The people are still just a gold mine in the eyes of the party. They only exploit the people and never serve the people.
Thoibao.de (Translated)