The death of Mr. Le Dinh Kinh, who has 60-year party membership, has caused a great shock at home and abroad. After killing Le Dinh Kinh at his home, at 4AM on September 9, there were 3 large bags supposedly for carrying the bodies taken to the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam. Le Dinh Kinh’s body was under forensic surgery and sewed by the Vietnamese police before being returned to his relatives.
How has Mr. Kinh been killed by people on behalf of the Communist Party?
On January 12, 2020, an important source from Dong Tam revealed that the police had entered his bedroom where Mr. Kinh had shot many shots to kill Mr. Kinh right in front of his wife, Mrs. Du Thi Thanh.
Mr. Kinh’s grandchildren when washing the body concluded that he was shot twice at his head, once in his heart and once on his left leg. His left leg nearly separated from his body while the right leg was broken two years ago, also caused by police attack.

This piece of information was narrated by Trinh Ba Tu via a live video stream on Facebook at 1.20PM of January 12, 2020 with a woman’s voice from the village of Dong Tam through the phone.
The woman in Dong Tam also confirmed that at least one riot policeman died from falling into a skylight. This is a small area of land adjacent to a neighbor’s house, but Mr. Kinh’s house has not been built and left as a sky well (for ventilation).
Images of this sky well have been in many videos posted on Facebook.
Ms. Du Thi Thanh also said that the police used a canvas to bring Mr. Kinh’s body out, but she added that they brought 3 shields, that is, they carried 3 times with a canvas, but she did not say what those 3 carrying bags were.
At present, the supression atmosphere is still tense in Dong Tam when the police continue to raid more people, this morning they surrounded two more houses. The police are there to suppress the people and protect the markers.

The woman added an information contrary to the press that the village consensus group consisting of only 20 to 30 people were arrested, but all Dong Tam villagers followed Kinh and the consensus group. This is in contrast to the public opinion and television state that, only a small group opposes the land reclaimation.
She also added that when the police returned the body, Mrs. Kinh’s family refused to sign for confirmation because the authorities demanded confirmation that Mr. Kinh died in the Senh field, where more than 2 km away from home. In the end, they still returned the body to the family lthough no one in the family signed the record.

This Dong Tam woman also said that some of detainees and taken away had died, but the police did not dare to return their bodies for fear of rising resentment among the people.
Thus, from the witness that Mrs. Du Thi Thanh’s wife Le Dinh Kinh and her grandchildren when washing the body can conclude that Mrs. Kinh died by 4 gun shots with two shots on the head, one on the chest and one on left leg.
There is also no evidence that “When autopsy was carried, Le Dinh Kinh’s hand held a grenade” as the newspaper said and presented a grenade with the words “on Le Dinh Kinh’s hand.” This information is probably only from police.
How did the riot Police officers die?
Various sources have talked about the cause of the deaths of the three police officers – they were hated and burned by the people of Dong Tam.
In order to soothe relatives and the panicked psychology of the families of those police officers who were killed when they attacked the residence of people in the January 8’s midnight. The men- suppressing tool of the party, have been awarded the Medal of Victory.

Regarding the cause of death of the two riot police officers and one firefighter, there are a lot of speculations and questions. State-run newspapers reported that “three police comrades were killed by a petrol bomb attack. Police said they found 8 grenades, dozens of knives, 20 bottles of unused petrol bombs and many firecrackers.”
However, only one factor that is accepted by many people is that soldier(s) fell into the sky well which some websites and Facebook pages described as “bunkers.”

There are numerous signs showing that these websites were established by police established on the social network Facebook such as Cảnh Sát Cơ động (Riot Police with 1 million followers), Đơn vị tác chiến điện tử (Electronic combat unit- with 500 thousand followes) and an online newspaper Canh Co.
The Ministry of Public Security also named the names and ranks of three soldiers who reportedly died and even General To Lam visited the family of “sacrificed” police officers, but there is no sign of funeral or mourning.
Thu Thuy from Hochiminh city – Thoibao.de (translated)