To Lam with a spy network in Europe and around the world.
Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, whom To Lam appointed to succeed him as Minister of Public Security, is also actively implementing the deployment of this squad. About 100 members will be dispatched around the world with the mission of hunting down Vietnamese officials who have fled abroad, and when found, will apply maximum pressure for them to “voluntarily” return home, even when necessary, kidnapping or assassination measures will also be taken.
In particular, the To Lam’s Squad will also searcharound the world to find and apply the above measures against anti-communist individuals and Vietnamese dissidents living abroad. The world will witness what will happen, after To Lam successfully took power into his own hands.
It is important to know that To Lam used to hold the position of Director of the Political Protection Department III (A64) under the General Department of Security. Department A64, formerly the Reconnaissance Department under the Department of Political Protection, Ministry of Public Security, focuses on investigating, discovering, and suppressing dissident organizations and individuals abroad.
According to An Ninh Thu Do, during the reform period, especially from 2000 until now, closely following the motto: “Proactively grasp the situation from afar, fight the enemy from where they come from,” officers of the Department of Political Protection III has deployed hundreds of counter-intelligence reconnaissance plans, fighting to defeat the plots and activities of exiled Vietnamese reactionaries.
Department A64 has also established many specialized projects, fighting against intelligence officers and spies masquerading as diplomats, politicians, economists, and tourists entering Vietnam to collect information. These specialized projects have disabled dozens of internal “bases” of foreign intelligence agencies, and internal influence, transformation, and sabotage activities of hostile forces, contributing to ensuring internal political security.