Still suffered from China-built Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway, Hanoi is planning other infrastructure projects with China

In recent years, Chinese corporations have participated in many infrastructure projects in Vietnam. A typical example is the Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway project – a scandalous one.

There have been many questions about the amount of kickbacks from Chinese contractors. Doctor, Economic expert Le Dang Doanh once asserted “Chinese contractors are willing to give kickbacks to Vietnamese partners from 2530 % of the total value of the project, they even pay kickbacks in cash!”

It is known that the Vietnamese managers involved in the Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway project could not complain the constructors after receiving kickbacks. That is why, this project has been delayed many times, considered a “symbol of delay and overcapitalization” through 5 generations of Ministers of Transport; with a construction period of up to 10 years; and increased capital from the initial $552.8 million to $868.04 million.

Most recently, state media reported: “Hanoi has once again joined hands with China to build the Van Cao – Hoa Lac metro line.”

Lao Dong Newspaper reported on January 18, with the title “Hanoi focuses on building Tu Lien bridge and urban railway line No. 5.” The news said that on January 18, the Hanoi Department of Transport and the China Pacific Construction Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding “Cooperating in investment research and construction of a number of important projects in the city.”

According to this memorandum, relevant parties have “agreed to cooperate” focusing on two projects: Construction of Tu Lien Bridge and urban railway line No. 5, section Van Cao-Ngoc Khanh-Lang-Hoa Lac.

– Investment project to build Tu Lien bridge and road from Tu Lien bridge to Hanoi-Thai Nguyen expressway, with a total route length of about 11.5km. Starting from Nghi Tam intersection, to Belt 3 intersection (Hanoi-Thai Nguyen expressway); Tu Lien bridge with a length of 2,924km, of which the main bridge is 1km long, cross-sectional scale according to planning, ensuring 6 motor vehicle lanes, 2 mixed lanes and 2 walking lanes… Bridge project Tu Lien’s total investment is estimated at about VND20 trillion.

– Investment project to build urban railway line No. 5, section Van Cao-Ngoc Khanh-Lang-Hoa Lac. Standard scale of double track, electrified with a length of 38.43km (including 6.5km underground, 2km elevated and 29.93km above ground), 21 stations and 2 Depot areas. With a total investment estimated at about VND65 trillion.

Notably, Nhan Dan newspaper on April 23, 2023 reported on the meeting, called a “courtesy greeting” of the Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo with the leaders of the capital Hanoi. Accordingly, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung expressed “Hanoi wants the Chinese side to continue implementing the Ha Dong-Xuan Mai urban railway project, based on the experience of the Cat Linh -Ha Dong project.”

This statement by Hanoi Party Secretary Dinh Tien Dung has made public opinion extremely concerned that the two projects “Building Tu Lien Bridge and urban railway line No. 5 (metro line No. 5)”, will Following in the footsteps of the previous Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway project, Vietnam continues to fall into Beijing’s debt trap.

According to Facebooker Kim Van Chinh, a former lecturer at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, in a status he gave a warning assessment that is very concerning:

“Will China attack Hanoi?”

  1. Why are the two major projects, Tu Lien bridge and Van Cao – Hoa Lac railway – metro, funded by Vietnam [state budget], not yet approved, not yet bid, but the Police newspaper has announced that Chinese will do?
  2. Looking at the map, we see that in the future, Van Cao will definitely connect to Tu Lien bridge with a bridge over West Lake. West Lake is the center of Hanoi, its feng shui is the important point.

Allow China to point at the West Lake acupuncture point like that, it is a matter that needs to be considered for social security, not a small matter anymore.”

As a reminder, the Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway project was designed by the Chinese EPC General Contractor in 2008, started construction in 2011, had many capital adjustments, increased capital by more than 205%, and delayed four times.

By mid-2021, the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam must advance money from the accumulated fund to repay the loan principal according to the commitment of the Government of Vietnam in the agreement signed with China. It is known that according to the report, the business results of this project lost VND160 billion in the first year when it was put into operation.

The reaction of public opinion on new investment projects related to China is that most of them want Vietnamese leaders to be responsible when signing contracts and closely supervise when implementing projects. It is necessary to ensure transparency, rigor, good quality, and on time, without overspending on capital. In particular, we must learn from the lessons of the previous Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway, in which public opinion said “Vietnamese side has suffered but still understand it yet.”


Tra My –


Still suffered from China-built Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway, Hanoi is planning other infrastructure projects with China


Chinese corporations participate in many projects in Vietnam, with many questions about commissions, as well as project delays and overcapitalization.

#Vietnam #DuongsatCatlinhHadong #Thoibao


Kasse animation 7.8.2023