For a long time, the problem of corruption in the Communist Party and the state apparatus of Vietnam is a painful problem, showing signs of losing control. The state of officials, civil servants and public employees “getting bribery for everything from the people” as Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan openly stated, is a real thing.
Many people blame the reason of low salary not enough to live, but through the “rescue flight” trial, it has been shown that, in order to reduce the sentence, all the accused officials paid large sum of money as consequence remedy as quickly as lightning. As Major General Nguyen Anh Tuan – Deputy Director of Hanoi Police Department – has paid back tens of billions of dong, $1.85 million, but still has $200,000 and 146 gold trees left. With General Tuan’s salary only about VND15 million/month, there is no need to ask, where does the money come from and the answer is corruption.
Corruption is not just the act of stealing state property for personal gain. The worst kind of corruption is the corruption of power.
For example: Taking advantage of personal power to bring relatives and friends, or receive money to put people in need, to sit in positions where it is easy to get bribery and have a lot of power to profit. Such a form, which clearly does not directly steal money from the State, is called power corruption.
This is a common thing among leading officials today, it is difficult to detect and the ways of corruption are “manifold.” Such as a leader who abuses, misuses statutory rights, or the Party’s Charter, allowing himself to expand his power to satisfy illegal interests; to satisfy power, to stay in power for a long time, or to gain greater power.
That is why in the apparatus of the Party and the State, there have been many individuals who are unworthy, unqualified but hold many positions and many important positions.
General Secretary Trong is a typical example of corruption in power, saying that he is determined not to bring into the Central Committee those who show signs of corruption. So who has brought tens of thousands of people to the leadership positions of the “corrupt officials” as shown in the results of the anti-corruption work. Asking is also answering, such a big and scandalous matter, everyone knows, talking about the small power corruption of the General Secretary, to see clearly the heart.

To give a small example, about the path of promotion of his “young official” Bui Nhat Quang, a member of the Party Central Committee at the age of 46, and Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, who was supported by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.
It is known that Bui Nhat Quang is the son of the late Prof. Bui Huy Khoat, an old friend of the General Secretary in the Central Theoretical Council. Bui Nhat Quang’s chance to become a Politburo member is very high, and he can play a big role in the Party, because he has the same level of “Marxist theory” as the General Secretary.
Why does Quang have no outstanding talents, no creative breakthroughs, but he has been promoted? Then all of a sudden, the Central Inspection Commission, the Politburo and the Secretariat decided to discipline Quang and dismiss him as a member of the 13th Central Committee.
The second example, recently, the state media reported on the book “Resolutely and persistently fighting against corruption and negativity, contributing to building an increasingly clean and strong Party and State.” It is a 526-page book, which summarizes General Secretary Trong’s speeches and articles on anti-corruption work and many other authors.
To criticize the General Secretary’s book without reading it is ambiguous, as if looking at it, the writer can see that the book is about the purpose of “4 nos“. Specifically, to cadres “Can’t, don’t need, don’t want and don’t dare to be corrupt.”
First of all, the book on anti-corruption by General Trong was released in the context of the anti-corruption work that has been and is failing, because the anti-corruption reason has applied the “wrong book” from the parking round. That is why, in Vietnam, the more you fight, the more corruption increases, the more serious it becomes.
So why, when the anti-corruption policy was unsuccessful, then General Secretary Trong still ordered the book to be printed?
Importantly, the mistake is that, giving the argument to cadres “Can’t, don’t need, don’t want and don’t dare to corrupt,” the General Secretary should have respected the role of the law, which Mr. Chi Minh emphasized with the sentence: “One hundred things must have the spirit of law. “That is, anti-corruption must apply measures according to the general trend of the world, which is “rule of law, independent judiciary, free press and civil society organizations participating in monitoring anti-corruption.“
General Secretary Trong is the person who runs the Central anti-corruption agency, but has not been anti-corruption, worried that “we beat ourselves“, “hit the mouse for fear of breaking the vase,” and then “need to pave the way for our comrades.” I have learned from experience” etc. Then, the Politburo issued the “Conclusion Notice No. 20-TB/TW dated September 8, 2022 of the Politburo on the policy of job arrangement for the cadres under Politburo, Secretariat manage after being disciplined” to save corrupt leaders.
Thus, it is definitely not possible, because General Trong said that there is no forbidden zone against corruption, as social networks say that the General Secretary is full of “avoidance zones.”
Not to mention in the book that admitted, “wages and incomes are not enough to live on” so what do cadres who “do not need to be corrupt” live on?
Regarding “don’t want to be corrupt,” we don’t dare to be corrupt, that is, afraid, because if we are afraid, we will not dare to do it. But in fact, a corrupt person, in addition to being a person with authority and authority, and being protected by the General Secretary who is above all power in the Party, tolerated and shielded, then who should be afraid of?
Therefore, many people think that publishing the book “anti-corruption” is just a formality to polish the name of the General. Moreover, General Secretary Trong also enjoys huge royalties from the sale of books, because any State agency dares not to buy the book of the General Secretary.
That is one of the many types of evidence of the General Secretary’s power corruption.
Vu Anh (Translated)