After the “rescue flight” case and preparation for the trial of the “Viet A,“ there have been too many moves showing that the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, are looking for any way to mitigate the crimes of the offending officials. Also due to the problem of the General Secretary’s personnel work, only half the term of the 13rd National Congress many officials have fallen due to corruption.
They are former Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long and former Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngoc Anh.
Unfortunately for Minister Nguyen Thanh Long, if the personnel planning for the 13rd Congress, the head of the Human Resources Subcommittee of the Congress – General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong – arranges personnel according to strict regulations and the thoroughness of the Regulations on Organizational Work, Advanced Human Resource Planning, it will not happen today as former Minister Long is facing the death penalty.
According to Tuoi Tre newspaper on May 14, 2020, the head of the Communist Party of Vietnam emphasized, “Resolutely not to allow being elected to the Central Committee those who manifest political opportunities, ambitions for power, flattery, running around, corruption, bureaucracy, partiality, personal advocacy, faction…”
However, there are information from knowledgeable people who told, on condition of anonymity, that confirmed Mr. Nguyen Thanh Long due to “manifestations of political opportunity, ambition for power, flattery.” , running around, corrupt…” so he was twice removed from the Central Committee because of his lack of confidence. Specifically:
For the first time, at the 12th Party Congress (January 2016), the health sector was allowed to nominate two candidates to join the Central Committee, namely, Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien and Deputy Minister Nguyen Thanh Long. As a result, both of them did not win the membership of the 12th Central Committee, and the health sector was the only branch that did not have representatives in the Central Committee.
Then, in the race for the position of Deputy Minister of Health, between Truong Quoc Cuong and Nguyen Thanh Long, Long lost. Then, in 2018, Nguyen Thanh Long was favored, brought back and appointed as Deputy Head of the Central Commision for Propaganda and Education.

Referring to the case related to the selection of personnel as Minister Nguyen Thanh Long, similar to the process of selecting and arranging personnel for the Politburo, to see:
According to the 2006 Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam is clearly stated, “The Politburo is the body that leads and inspects the implementation of the resolutions of the National Congress, resolutions of the Central Committee; decide on issues of guidelines, policies, organization and staff; decide to convene and prepare the contents of the meetings of the Central Committee; report on the requested work of the Central Committee.
… urgent and unexpected issues under the responsibility of the Central Committee but not yet meeting, the Politburo collective discuss and decide and report back to the Central Committee at the nearest meeting.
Politburo members are elected by the Central Committee. The Politburo consists of official members.
In the field of personnel, the Politburo has the right to decide or recommend personnel for important positions in the Party, State and mass organizations, regardless of the positions held by the Central Committee or the Secretariate.”
And a very important regulation of the Communist Party of Vietnam is the principle of “collective leadership, individual in charge.” This is the highest leadership principle of the Communist Party of Vietnam, that is, “avoiding the state of autocratic and authoritarian supreme leadership, because power will be shared with other individuals and organizations of the Party.”
Comparing with the above, it will be seen that, since the 12th and 13rd National Congresses of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the list of the Politburo members’ structure usually has a few leaders who were members of the Politburo, or other leaders who used to be indignant, but still structured. The 12th Congress had Politburo members such as: Dinh La Thang, Nguyen Van Binh, Hoang Trung Hai… At the 13rd Congress, there were Tran Tuan Anh, Pham Binh Minh, Dinh Tien Dung (Secretary of Hanoi). ), even Pham Minh Chinh (Prime Minister) etc.
One question is, why does General Secretary Trong, as Head of the Human Resources Subcommittee, have such a messy and negligent structure? Is it possible that General Trong did not understand the wrong information of the aforementioned personnel?
It is confirmed that the General Secretary not only knows, but even knows better than anyone. However, due to knowing the death graves of all members of the Politburo in particular, and leading personnel at all levels in general, the General Secretary has full control over and forces them to comply with the requirements of the General Secretary in all matters. Especially, when it is necessary to pass the Politburo’s resolutions, according to the principle of taking the majority, the will of the General Secretary is always supported by the majority of the Politburo members. Since the members of the Politburo are already “dipped in indifference”, how dare they vote against it?
That’s why, the personnel of the recent leadership courses, sometimes there is news that Politburo member A is about to be tried, and soon there are rumors that Politburo member B is about to join the board…, but most of the time. I see nothing to do with it. Politburo member Dinh Tien Dung, Secretary of Hanoi, is a clear example.
The officials, through their assistants, also earn a decent amount of money before each election. One is to run away from old crimes so as not to be dealt with, the other is to rush forward to run the next structure, with a higher position in the upcoming congress. But in return, they always live in fear and will fulfill all requests of the General Secretary.
That’s why: Why is it that in high-level human resource planning, General Secretary Trong often chooses officials who are already indignant?
Vu Anh –