On July 27, Dan Viet online outlet published an article “A story about a soldier who became a hero in 5 minutes as he uses his teeth as “pliers” to transmit electricity during wartime. The story of using teeth as a conductor, thought it was just a propaganda story in a time when Vietnamese people were still ignorant and were not exposed to multi-dimensional information in the world. However, up to now, it is the 4.0 era, the era when the world is flat, but Vietnam’s propaganda machine still makes up stories like that, how it can fool anyone?!
In fact, in order to survive, state-controlled newspapers must write articles under the direction of the party’s Central Commission of Propaganda and Education. While the society was discontented because of the rampant corruption, officials competed to profit from ordinary people, the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education also realized that the Communist Party was being hated by the whole people. Therefore, they need to make up stories of heroism, highlighting the “ingeniousness of the Party.” Because the Communist regime has nothing to be proud of, except for the “killing” achievements from the past war period.
The Communists took control of the country, brought poverty to the Vietnamese people, put on the people the oppressive pincers, and destroyed freedom. In general, they bring a lot of woes to the country, to the people. Although they claim to be, “for the sake of a rich people, a strong country, a just, democratic and civilized society,” in fact they have been doing the exact opposite. People are poor; the country is weak and feeble before foreigners; systemic social injustice, and strangling democracy. And of course, when the Communist Party did those things, Vietnam could not be civilized.
So far, the Communists have nothing to be proud of other than past feats. The war has passed forty-eight years now, but they still celebrate the day they won over the people of the South, as a great feat. This is called “past beggar.” In order to create a surface to appear heroic, the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education fabricated legendary stories to propagate to the people.
In 2011, the People’s Army newspaper had a propaganda article about a person using a bow and crossbow to shoot down an American plane. The story has become a laughing stock for the online community for some time. It would have been thought that such silly fabricated stories were absent in this era, but no, the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education continued to direct the press to make up silly stories to deceive demagogues. But the trick is nowhere to be seen, only the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education and state media become a laughing stock for the world.
Currently, the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education is a very powerful propaganda agency, headquartered in Hanoi. However, with such a naive way of making up stories, it shows that the brains of the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education are still like those of prehistoric people living in caves. Extremely silly and without logical thinking – the mindset of a knowledgeable person.
In the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education and in the newsrooms, there is no shortage of people with high degrees because there is no other country that has as many PhDs as Vietnam. However, the quality of their products are very bad. If you want to “compose” a propaganda article, you must have logic to fool the people, but “compose” the type of using a slingshot to bring down an airplane, using teeth to make electrical wires, it becomes a joke for the society. Not only can’t propagate anyone, but the people who make up these stories also have problems with logical reasoning.
The Communist Party always chooses the loyality, not the professional quality, that is, it gives priority to the grandchildren of officials and former Communist cadres. Recruit people by family history, not by ability. It is because of this way of choosing people that this government official still exposes his ignorance for the public to admire. If the Propaganda Department wants to deceive the people, it also needs to choose someone who knows how to make up stories. Made up to look like the real thing, without any blemish, but making up stories that let people read a few sentences is a lie, it is unclear how can the Central Commission of Propaganda and Education easily deceive the people?
Thoibao.de (Translated)