Since elementary school, the young minds of students have been constantly stuffed with the slogan “For the Socialist Fatherland, for the ideals of the great Uncle Ho, get ready!” Actually, Fatherland and Socialist are two different concepts. Vietnam’s fatherland is more than 4,000 years old, and the other foreignism was written by a Western man, and then brought back by communist leader Ho Chi Minh and put it in the head of the Vietnamese people. The fatherland is likened to the body, and Socialism is the rope. These two cannot be the same.
The Communist Party took advantage of children’s immature heads, unable to distinguish between right and wrong, right from wrong, and unable to reason like adults, so the party has been poisoning young people with such deviant concepts.
In the above slogan, not only did the Party confuse the concepts of Fatherland and Socialism, but they have also instigated children to become tools for the party established by the old man who died 54 years ago. It is what they implant in children’s heads that they must live for other people’s ideals, not for their own. This way of poisoning is quite effective, so today, many elements are still crazy about Uncle Ho, without thinking about right or wrong. Even this thought is deeply rooted in many educated members of this society.
On June 7, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Public Security and the Central Theoretical Council held a national scientific conference: “Defend the Fatherland from afar, protect the country since the country is not in danger; look back the past ten year and forecast the situation to 2030, with a vision to 2045.” In fact, the so-called “national defense” of this conference is to protect the Communist Party and its interests, not the Fatherland.
With what the Communist Party has done for so many years, it is clear that only when the Party dies will the country be liberated. Since the Party put its hand to rule over the whole country, people have lost their freedom, their rights, and they are surrounded by poverty, etc.. The of 1975-1986 period was a period of horror for the country. Under the rule of the Communist Party, people have no food to eat, no medical conditions to take care of their health…
From 1986 up to now is the period of abandoning the centrally-subsidized economy and following the free economy that the Republic of Vietnam had before. Thanks to that, people’s lives have also improved, but the gap between rich and poor is widening. Although the statistics agency still gives beautiful numbers, the real life of many people is still miserable. Corruption is rampant and the country is ruined.
With a Party in power, it has strangled the national potential, deprived the country of prosperity, and deprived the opportunities of talents. And up to now, many generations of Vietnamese people have always found a way to go abroad, and then find a way to stay, even if they have to stay illegally. But many people would rather live illegally in foreign countries than live legally in a hellish environment in Vietnam. Even the children of officials are racing to go abroad, what to say about ordinary people?
Indeed, if the Communist Party dies, only prosperity can come to Vietnam. That seems to be the truth. Because the Communist Party is incapable of managing the country, it only knows how to extract money from the people and the country, because it is a huge corrupt machine. Therefore, in order to protect this Fatherland from decay, protect this Fatherland from falling into backward poverty, the Vietnamese people need to oppose the Communist Party. However, the Communist Party was cunning and changed the concept, turning protecting the Party into defending the Fatherland.
Today, when General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong conducts the campaign to deal with corruption or burning the furnace, people will see that when a group of officials get arrested for corruption, the other officials will also corrupt the country’s budget. The corrupt replacement class is stronger than the old one. The existence of the Communist Party is a vital test for the country, because the Communist period was the period when the country was eliminated the most by humanity.
Thoibao.de (Translated)