Many years ago, lawyer Vo An Don once told the truth about the legal profession of which he was a member. That is, most lawyers today are using money from their clients to get sentences reduced. They do not need to cultivate knowledge of the law, they just need to cooperate with the investigating agency, the court, and the Procuracy, forming a closed loop, bidding with both the plaintiff and the defendant, to earn money from their clients.
The straight words of lawyer Vo An Don made the lawyers hurt, they attacked him both silently and openly on social networks. The government was exposed, so they did not like Mr. Don. Feeling hurt from lawyer Don’s statement, in 2017, the Phu Yen Bar Association revoked his licence.
Because the Vietnamese judiciary has never been a judiciary for justice, but it is only a tool of the communist regime. The Vietnamese judicial branch, including investigative agencies, courts and the Procuracy, does not want good lawyers. They don’t want a lawyer to practice with integrity. They need a class of servile lawyers, whoever is willing to be a slave will be freed by the regime to get rich by using money to bribe judicial agencies to settle disputes.
For a long time, people have compared “justice is a joke.” Those who wrongly spent VND45 million ($1,980) was sentenced to 5 years in prison but those who embezzle VND15 trillion was given a suspended sentence. Ordinary people who commit minor crimes will receive heavy sentences, while officials who commit serious crimes will receive light sentences. It can be said that there is no place in the world where class distinction is as heavy as in Vietnam ruled by the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Today, bribing judicial agencies and officials is public. Here, it is not public to give money to buy judgments, but to get absurd trial results. As far as we know, the judicial bribe is now becoming popular everywhere. The corruption of the judicial sector is more vibrant than ever. Lawyers, journalists, reporters, court clerks and policemen all take part in this activity to make money.
The price of each transaction of justice is very unlimited, from the top of the gold to the low of bran, there are enough. Each time you buy a case, it can be from a few billion to tens, hundreds of billions of dong. So, when a case goes to court, no justice is served, but the verdict depends on which side spends more money. A lot of people who spend money to buy judgments still lose, because simply, they spend less money than their opponents.
Therefore, being right or wrong in a case has no meaning with a court like in Vietnam, but it depends on whether the involved party has money or not. Having power is very easy to get rid of crime, having money can also get rid of crime, but money is not as strong as power.
In addition to the story of buying sentences in court, the story in the prison is similar. In Vietnam, every New Year’s holiday, the regime’s prison guards conduct transactions. Those who want to be on the list for the President’s pardon must pay money. After such holidays, the warden got rich again. And those with money will be able to get out of prison sooner.
Contrary to the excitement of the market for justice, the markets that make up the Vietnamese economy are currently running out of breath. The real estate market is frozen, the stock market is crumbling, the labor market is full of big layoffs etc. Vietnam’s economy is in disarray. Meanwhile, the justice bribery has been developing quite strongly in recent years.
The Vietnamese judiciary was born like that from the beginning, the Communist Party considers it a tool, it can’t be for justice, it only knows for power and money. From what institution the judiciary is born, it has its own nature and cannot be reformed.
Thoibao.de (Translated)