On October 9, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said that during the 13th Plenum of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s Central Committee, the delegates voted to nominate candidates for the Central Committee in the next term with “good results” and “highly agreed with the Politburo’s proposal.”
The top party leader emphasized that the process of introducing personnel is done “objectively and impartially.” However, the number and identity details of the candidates were not disclosed by Mr. Trong or the Vietnamese media.

Before that, the 12th Plenum in May 2020 agreed that the number of members of the new Politburo included 17-19 people, the number of Central Committee members was 200 people, including 180 official and 20 alternates (same in the 12th term). At the 13th Plenum, the total number of Central Committee members is expected to rise to 227 people.
Commenting on the prospective candidate for the General Secretary position, Mr. Cu Huy Ha Vu wrote to VOA: “Tran Quoc Vuong, a person rated by the public as” clean “and moreover, has been holding the key “internal” position in both the State and the Party not only becomes the inevitable successor but also is the optimal choice of General Secretary Trong.
According to observers interviewed VOA, besides Tran Quoc Vuong, the names that are considered the brightest and mentioned include Pham Binh Minh, Vuong Dinh Hue, Luong Cuong, Phan Dinh Trac and Ms. Truong Thi Mai.
Before the 13th Plenum opened, the People’s Public Security newspaper published an article warning that “hostile forces, political opportunists, reactionary forces promote anti-destruction activities, propaganda, misrepresentation, left, fabricated. One of the dangerous tricks that attract the attention of many people is to misrepresent the work of personnel and cadres of the Party to destroy.”
This week, in the midst of the 13th Plenum taking place in Hanoi, Kien Giang Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Thanh Nghi, the son of former Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, was appointed to return to the post of deputy minister of construction he held in 2011.
With this “transfer of work“, observers believe that it seems unlikely that Mr. Nghi will be re-elected to the Central Committee in the near future.

Also on how to decide personnel in the Party Central congresses, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Chu gave the following content:
The key issue of the 13th Plenum is personnel. Other items are not important. Because the targets will change every year. The targets 2030 and 2045 are written without practical value. In our country, personnel write the indicators, not the indicators that determine the selection of personnel.
Locking 227 candidates for 200 positions (ratio 1.135 / 1) – this is a strange electoral rate that no other country in the world applies.
It is far below the 2-to-1 minimum, which means a minimum of 400 nominations are required for 200 positions.
But personnel for the four most important positions are still moving around on the board without knowing the stop. It waits for exceptions.
The danger of an exception is another exception
“At the 12th National Party Congress in January 2016, the leader of the Central Committee said that the 11th Central Committee members who were introduced for re-election must meet one of the criteria of not exceeding 60 years old; Politburo member, Secretariat for the re-election must not exceed 65 years old.
In addition to the above standard, the 11th Central Committee has introduced five personnel as special cases – too old for re-election as required, but still introduced to be structured into the new course.
In which a member of the Politburo, the Secretariat is General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. The four members of Central Committee members, including Mr. Uong Chu Luu, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly; Senior Lieutenant General Bui Van Nam, Deputy Minister of Public Security; General Do Ba Ty, Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief of Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army (currently Vice Chairman of the National Assembly) and Mr. Huynh Phong Tranh, former Government Inspector General (introduced but not elected.)
The “special exception” of the previous Congress is giving birth to a “special exception” for the next Congress. The question being concerned is how many “special exception” cases will there be over 65 years old at the 13th National Congress?
Exception is a unfair play
No team has won the World Cup by giving priority to “special circumstances.” No one won the Olympic gold medal thanks to “exception.” The championship arena has no exceptional standards. True players never accept the priority. Only the weak demand priority. The game has the exception of unfair play.

Does any countries vote based on age?
V ietnam is the only country in the world that regulates the selection of national leaders from local to central according to the age bracket. Specifically, the regulations on the percentage of winning Central Committee’s members by age class are below 50, 50-60, 61-65 and over 65.
“Based on the reality of the last tenure, as well as the status of the team of 12th Central Committee members and the ability to enter the next term, the central planning office for the under-50 age group is from 10 to 15%, 61 years and over 10%, the rest are mainly 51-60 years old
Whoever “invented” the formula in national governance, under 50 years old only 10-15% of talented people, 75-80% of talented people are in the age bracket of 50-60, 10% of talented people 61-65 age, and the country’s most talented person is after 65 years old?
The 20-50-year-old period is the most intelligent, most creative, and most prolific time of each person. Why is the regulation under 50 years old that only 10-15% are allowed to structure in the Central Committee?
Since when and who introduced the above age framework for the election of top provinces, ministries, government, parliament, and Politburo positions?
The age of 40-50 is no longer a young man but has grown up into an old man. Under the age of 50, only 10-15% are allowed to structure in the Central Committee, which is a barrier limiting young talent from participating in the field of national governance.
Fair competition
Country governance is the right and obligation of citizens. At the age of 21, you have the right to run for governance positions. The age frame cannot be used as a criterion for elimination.
If the rules like Vietnam are now, there will be no Prime Minister of Austria, 31 years old, and the 34-year-old Finnish female Prime Minister will never have a chance to compete.
Because there is no age limit, President Donald Trump, 74 years old, and Mr. Joe Biden, 78, are running for US President for the 2021-2024 term.
People over 65 years of age, no need to be an exception, still have the right to run, as long as there is a fair open contest, on a pool of millions of voters nationwide.
Who decides an exception at the 13th National Congress?
The problem “Who will replace General Secretary cum President Nguyen Phu Trong?” leads to the question “How many exceptions are there?” The exceptions have not been determined, then the 13th Congress has not been conducted. There will also be the 14th Plenum.
The more exceptions, the younger the chances are lost. The game is controlled by a number of people, but the final decision depends on the vote of the delegates of the 13th National Congress
Situation change
The majority are concerned with who will be at the top, not because who is more dominant, but because who will be less conservative in the reform process.
Not a fair game for the majority, no one to excel, perhaps should apply the rules of the game alternately. North – Central – South take turns keeping the General Secretary position. At least it is fairer than the fixed option. On the other hand, that is how to change feng shui.
Many people were impatient. Some are trying to resist the fate of heaven. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Chu stated his opinion.
From Taipei, Taiwan, jurist Trinh Huu Long, Editor-in-Chief of Journalism Laws, paradoxically states that the Party meets where people spend money, he said:
“One is that all the people attending the plenum are enjoying the salary from the taxpayers’ money, the chair they sit in, the plane ticket they fly to, the glass of water they drink, the meal they eat throughout. The time of the plenum is from taxpayers’ money, not from anywhere else, their party fees are very small.”
“And all the funding for all the plenums, then all the local conferences, the local congresses, and the national congresses that take place early next year, all from Taxes of the people The people are the payers of all those events.”
“Second, the mechanism they call the party’s personnel it is a completely closed mechanism, only party members can participate.”
“Then there is an extremely frustrating thing here, the whole people pay money for the party activities and go to meetings, but only the party members are allowed to participate in their personnel process. That is completely unreasonable, there is nothing plausible here.”
“The third point I am interested in is that their staffing mechanism is an extremely paradoxical mechanism. People make their recruitment sources abundant and of high quality, quantity, and quality.
“Then in terms of the number of them limited to only 4 million party members, they completely ignore the remaining tens of millions, which is completely unreasonable …”
Thoibao.de (Translated)