Nguyen Si Binh
For the Vietnamese, the phrase mediation and reconciliation has been heard a lot in the past, starting in the mid-century years, repeated every year until now but does not show anything new.
Immediately after the 1975 event, the country was reunified, the Vietnamese leaders not only declared mediation and reconliciation as one of the priority things to do, but realized clearly that we must overcome victory and defeat to develop the country together.
Dong Tam commune before the bloody raid on Jan 9, 2020
Although perceptions are right, when implemented, it is full of contradictions and mistakes. Political power has made reconciliation unsuccessful and neither is mediation.
Nguyen Si Binh
Mediation and reconciliation: a shadow of history
Over time, mediation and reconciliation are only a historical shadow of a power struggle between two institutions of old generation.
Mediation and reconciliation for a long time have been encapsulated in the government with a number of overseas Vietnamese individuals in a way that makes use of enticing, still group thinking. Vietnamese leaders never intended to sit down with local and foreign-based associations and political parties. And the current situation shows that such reunion will be difficult to take place.
Talking about mediation and reconciliation to attract overseas Vietnamese resources for the regime is also worth encouraging, but if it is just that, it will not satisfy the national spirit and the country’s demands. On the other hand, without a law and agenda for national reconliciation, national solidarity with the rule of law is the way and way to meet the long-term goal.
Mr. Nguyen Si Binh: “A united country, independent Vietnam, Vietnamese people cannot help but have admiration and gratitude“
Due to the way of thinking around mass activities, few people look at the general direction of the whole.
Towards national solidarity, it is inevitable to respect the equality of rights and responsibilities of all parts of society, but it is necessary.
The issue of national reconciliation and mediation ‘still aches’
Monopoly, and important state monopoly, will prevent the progress of national solidarity. Conservative corporate thinking does not have a whole vision. Individuals each individually, who does not stand with a position for common ground, cannot see anyone’s presence in society to see the common goal of national solidarity.
There is no longer a need to reconcile the sides, but the emerging reality is questioning us. National solidarity does not mean following anyone against anyone but need to move closer and look in the same direction.
However, unity cannot be simply geographically, much less can by a unilateral political resolution. It does not show the respect of leaders, does not end discrimination.
National solidarity is to cherish the sacrifices of so many people in both parts of the country. There is no debate about unity, merit, because it is the merits of the entire people, of the political parties, including the leading party.
Unlike the Reconciliation and mediation of the Fatherland Front, national solidarity includes all Vietnamese people, regardless of unions, political opinions or social sectors. National solidarity also does not affect the expression of patriotism, the law-abiding spirit of citizens, or the political tendency of the people. National solidarity creates a peaceful society with an enduring state, without hostile forces.
‘Towards National Solidarity don’t say Win-Lose‘
Towards national solidarity, it is not about winning or losing or right and wrong but on a common basis.
Up to now, the country’s leaders have not given a common foundation, political imprisonment is not over yet, mediation and reconliciation talk only with words rather than taking real action. As a result, the deadlock is still not cleared.
Consciousness “the people own, lead the work, the rule of law” is necessary for a prestigious state. No more controversy, the prestigious state is the national pride, the pride of all generations. Unconscious leadership is the problem and should be reconsidered.
National solidarity is the responsibility of leaders and duties of citizens. Solidarity must be in an honest voice, unite with the standard law.
There are two trends in politics: opposition and coordination.
Focusing on the interests of the party is a single division for the common good of national unity. It is not a matter of choice, but conscience and political responsibility, especially that of the leadership to Reconciliation and final reconciliation towards national unity. The country is of the entire people, the people are not the enemy. Having conscience and responsibility will manifest through attitudes, statements, actions and real social impact.
Due to hatred, more than loss, monopoly, and opposition, from leaders to many people who are interested in politics cannot see the common background. It cannot be immediately available, but the Vietnamese have to be clear and definitive.
For the people for the sake of the country is different from the right to the office. Running after power or because I am right and wrong, how can I move towards national unity for Vietnam to unify and go forward.
Recognizing Vietnamese as fellow citizens, regardless of political opinion or social class; For the people, all must respect the key element of the nation, which is the people ownership; Because the country must support the state to create the foundation of the nation which is the standard law – that is the common foundation.
National solidarity and international cooperation are necessary to construct the country, so it is natural to accept the reality of historical inheritance without digging, for the society to come and develop.
Accepting national solidarity as a basic leadership, the psychology of monopoly will also self-neutralize. The past is a memory and a lesson. The back side is not as important as the present life and the future ahead. Having really put aside the past and justified for a harmonious society will not be difficult towards national solidarity. As for extreme, hostile thinking, it is impossible to have a general direction, meaningless solidarity talk.
National solidarity prevents the majority being victims of the minority. From the North to the French colonial period, the ruling apparatus was mostly Vietnamese intellectuals.
In any time, people easily run after interests and forget obligations, whether accidentally or intentionally.
Whereas every society needs the righteous voice of intellectuals and consciousness for the equality of society. Obviously, if there were no “intellectuals” behind the unique leaders, there would never be authoritarian regimes in the world.
However, regardless of position in any mechanism, it is important to serve the social interests, not contrary to national interests. That is the conscious intellectual.
National solidarity with standard law not only builds a true rule of law, but also repels the problem of abuse of power, corruption, and land that is the center of corruption today.
What is good for the whole is good for all organizations as well as for individuals. National politics may accept imperfections, but it is difficult to accept persistent individuals.
As for opposition, division, it will cause social disturbances. It creates opportunities for vested interests and is also an easy excuse for malicious attribution. Having agreed that solidarity is the national principle, it is not difficult to see that national solidarity is the pride of leadership. And only the heart for the nation is capable of national solidarity and responsibility with its people.
Unfortunately, when national solidarity has not yet materialized, many new contradictions arise, mainly due to problematic governance: people’s ownership does not come true, the state is not true of the people. Because the people have low reputation, leaders are no longer identified as regular employees.
When the leaders faced and remained silent with the piles of denunciations, complaints were thickening up the desk, which mostly involved the government confiscation of houses, property, land … , the consequences must be coming.
Resentment was not resolved, the people confronted the regular armed forces with what they had.
The Dong Tam trial
After the anti-land-grabbing gunfire resounded in Thai Binh, Hai Phong, and Dak Nong years ago, just after the September 2 anniversary of the National Day, the trial of Dong Tam farmers caused a lot of political uproar.
The trend of the faction rose chaotic among the people, in the team of lawyers and in the media on the “left-right” margins.
Dong Tam commune in April 2017, at the time of the incident the local people holding 38 police in hostage
The attack by the police with the plan of national secrets caused many painful losses, cutting the conscience and sentiment of Vietnamese people a wound decades later difficult to heal.
In the middle of the capital of hope, the city for peace, there are many heartbreaking images, details and happenings at the trial full of anger and comedy …
The head of government once warned “not to let fire burst from the ground.”
After all, the Dong Tam case is caused by a problem with the land law, which leads to the government’s perception and wrong handling.
In many controversies, right and wrong, in many enthusiastic articles about the case, someone honestly quoted the adage that Vietnamese people need to quietly read and meditate: “If the mind does not look bright, it is dark. If you don’t have enough love to look anywhere, you will hate it. Your mind is full of jealousy and you will live in jealousy for a lifetime.”
Overseas Vietnamese are also interested in looking at the trial. Although not directly with the daily socio-political life, overseas Vietnamese are still passionate about the country, ready to give practical suggestions to solve many problems that are hindering progress.
It should be seen objectively that the Dong Tam event was initially just a civil dispute in the economic rights dispute between the people of Dong Tam and the local government.
The fact that the armed forces were under orders from their superiors to suppress the people in unsuccessful disputes and conciliation has not been determined by law as an excessive act.
Everyone’s lives need attention, whether the victim is a civilian, the police or anyone. Leadership that puts people in danger of life for their own interests is a failure.
The principle of problem solving begins through fair negotiation; If the matter pushes further, it must go through court proceedings. The court and the tribunal specifically do not belong to either side is fair.
The fact that a public agency both attacks, investigates and prosecutes will create a big question mark on fairness and equality in any society.
The case has not been concluded, but right and wrong is clear.
Although the culture of apologizing at all levels is not popular in Vietnam, the state leaders should not hesitate to set a direct example to remove indictments, apologize to the people, victims, families and compensate. all damages to the parties for letting the tragic case as well as the trial cause a lot of controversy. That is the upper policy.
Leaders at all levels are not without a spirit of harmony, listen to the people, and deal with understanding. But taking the people’s caps as part of the terrorist riot to be eliminated is a bad political practice.
Through the Dong Tam case, lessons for leaders are the driving force for the early adoption and enactment of a new land law. The people own the land and the country. Specifically, people who own land towards private ownership and entire people ownership, ie clearly define the concept of private land – public land.
This is not new, many countries around the world have carried out. It does not negate the ownership of the entire population of public land, affirms that the responsibility to manage public land belongs to the state, but opens private ownership of private land for businesses and individuals in society.
National solidarity begins with national law. This helps the country leaders actively meet each association and political party at home and abroad. Previously mediation and reconciliation not successful, it is not necessary to have a “river conference” to wait until all sides are full.
There is no need to talk about mediation and reconciliation anymore, but national solidarity needs a new, clear mindset from domestic to overseas, among all Vietnamese with red blood and yellow skin.
Connecting big arms to unite the country, recognizing Dong Tam incident to add empathy – compassion, towards consensus – justice.
More importantly and more than ever, we Vietnamese need to be united – join forces with state leaders to unite Vietnam.
Thoibao.de (Translated)
Source: https://www.bbc.com/vietnamese/forum-54093880