On May 26, the tragic accident caused by the falling of a royal poinciniana tree injured 18 pupils of Bach Dang Secondary School in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City and killed one.
The painful and unexpected incident shocked the public, but only a few days later, the press reported that many schools nationwide choped down young and old royal poinciana.
The image of poetic royal poinciana trees in school yards attached to memories of pupils being cut down spread everywhere, causing a stir of public opinion to express their disagreement.

Many people think that this is a kind of “uncontrolled, forbidden” behavior, an ancient way of thinking of state officials.
Journalist Ha Phan commented that: “Take all for responsibility and that is the safest way to manage, keep the most stable possitions, not only in education!”
Facebook Doan Hong Giang witty comment that if any flagpole fell, would people lower the flagpole? And I guess if any monument falls, people will build 10 more monuments.
Facebooker Nam Ka said indignantly: they propagandized with the students to plant forest trees, not destroy the trees in the schoolyard, why the teachers are now shredding. The teachers are so treacherous!
Facebooker AntonPadova said: “One tree fell, the other schools ordered to be cut down all over the country. So if you find a corrupt guy, why not kill the rest of the corrupt gangs.
Extremism, short vision and insensitivity of the state officials are judgements of journalist Vo Van Tao on the way of treatment with trees.
He wrote: “A series of school yards were deserted, bare in a mad panic, after the royal po tree in the yard of a primary school in SG collapsed, killing 1 student and injuring other children.
The school administrators can not worry about trouble and responsibility, but then what do they cover the burning sun, like burning for students?
Where else to celebrate the exam seasons? The life’s first thrill has gone following the royal poinciana! ”
Writer Doan Bao Chau also said: “People who love nature, seeing chopping down of the royal poincina trees, fall in pain and become anger and disdain for the extreme stupidity of those who are afraid of responsibility and act in a hurry.
Stupid heads, not thinking, not creating, plus cowardly fear of responsibility are capable of slaughtering the beautiful royal poinciana trees like that.
If they are afraid, they should cut some of trees’ branches but not kill the trees.
Try asking in many years, how many royal poinciana trees have fallen? Before making a decision, set up a seminar to consult the experts.
If a royal poinciana is a tree without deep roots, then try to strengthen the root, instead of acting frantically in fear.
Royal poincina tree is a tree associated with the image of the student, going into poetry and literature for many generations. Now students go to school white and sunny, without shade, without dear trees, how will they feel?
As an education, act like educated people!
Facebook Nguyen Thi Bich Hau expressed disappointment:
“Students saw firsthand the whole scene of the extermination, sawing a tree from end to end in the school yard with the powerful participation of people and machines equipped with teeth.
The results are completely blurred and truncated
“Only after the last tree is cut down, only after the last river is poisoned, only after the last fish is caught. Then we know that we cannot eat money! “
Facebook Tri Nguyen commented: We in the name of “leader” “clergy, doctor” … have a whole movement of learning ideology, lifestyle that is in fact wrong! Did you all forget about “plant a tree, remember Uncle Ho!?”
Facebook Dao Xuan Hiep: Trees are the lungs of nature. Do people still breathe air when they cut down all trees?
Facebooker Phuong Mai: What you remember the school yard without royal poincina trees?
Facebooker Hoang Nguyen commented: Kill all better than miss any!
Author Pham Tin has a commentary entitled “Please do not condemn and vent your anger on the royal poincina tree,” as follows:
Instead of finding the cause of a series of royal poincina trees uprooted, seeking individuals responsible for the incident, school administrators choose an easier way to handle: cutting down the trees.
A schoolboy who is growing up but has suffered a major tragic accident at the school where he and his family are sending so many dreams and expectations for the future. You are too young to anticipate danger. The senseless tree is only subject to the rights and the right to life of man, where is there any wrongdoing? So, after the tree incident caused a student to die at Bach Dang Secondary School (Ho Chi Minh City), and a series of royal poincina trees uprooted recently, who does the fault and responsibility belong to?
Who else and where is better to convict and vent the anger of parents and society than a royal poncina tree? Then the end that they have to receive deadly cuts. The anger will eventually subside, the responsibility will also fill up with time, but the consequences can cause many school yards to be without shadows of royal poincina trees, leaving only betone and concrete under the summer sun.
Unfortunately, we have always chosen easy jobs, easy ways to do things, to achieve our own goals, and rarely have a radical and holistic view of the common good of society.
Back to the royal poincina tree incident at Bach Dang school, what is the main cause of this heartbreaking incident, has anyone dared to look straight at the incident where the analysis of the tree fall, what is the best solution to be able to limit and eliminate similar dangers but still retain the green and “bright flower like blood in the heart” of this student?
But no, people are not a little worried about how much they do to make them tired. They keep blaming it because the tree is uprooted, and the best way is to put the chainsaw into a low-pitched roar, while reducing public opinion, while showing a very fierce spirit and responsibility.
I had a friend in Saigon, in the morning, he and his son were still posing for pictures under the brilliant royal poincina tree, when the afternoon came, the child posted only the tree roots. These remedies are too easy, are not only to ease the pain of the family and the unfortunate children, while also showing the so-called responsibility to the community.
The fault of the school and its manager is not supervise and check that they have dug enough holes yet, they planted according to technical requirements?
I do not object to using mature stumps for planting because its benefits are for faster landscaping and shade, however, it should be limited. And especially with the suppliers and planting trees: “Please have a little conscience when planting trees for schools, civil works because you can save a few dongs of cost of digging land and labor but the consequences will be very unpredictable, at the cost of people’s life as you have seen it.“
As for the school, the owner of the civil works should also have a little responsibility to supervise to ensure proper and safe planting methods.
Unfortunately, this rarely happens at the most important moment of the public presence of a tree. Then 5 years, 10 years, or 20 years later, the tree “suddenly” uprooted, and the way the responsible people involved, the managers have done very quickly by cutting the trees as we saw.
At first glance, we easily mistakenly think it is a very quick response with a high sense of responsibility to the community and the students. But on a deeper level, those practices once again show a lack of accountability, or rather fear of being responsible for the solidarity of continuing to have more trees uprooted in the school, on its campus.
So to be safest, school managers chose to cut down trees instead of seeking other measures to ensure safety as well as keep trees for shading and better environment in the campus.
Do not let royal poincina flowers disappear in school and remain only in memory and books, do not kill the poetic and love that hundreds of years ago this sweet red flower has silently stirred the hearts of a teenagers.
Thoibao.de (Translated)