Facing the increasing spread of the new strain of coronavirus in the world, the question that people need to know is how to isolate themselves properly?
Q: Should companies change their hot-desking policy? – Philip Cloke
The risk of insanity from sharing a desk – a place that many people use – can create favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses to spread.
Self-isolation means you stay home for 14 days, do not go to work, school, or to other public places, and avoid using public transportation or taxis. You must also stay separate from other family members.

The new corona virus is believed to be spread through saliva droplets emitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes, nose blisters, and through contaminated surfaces.
Experts believe that corona virus can live on surfaces for hours, maybe even days.
If possible, keep the surface of your desk, computer keyboard and phone clean by using an antibacterial wipe to clean it.
However, there has been no official advice from health experts or the government that recommend that a step be necessary or should be taken.
Question: What should I do if I use self-isolation? – Alan Gell – Stockport, Cheshire
You may need to isolate yourself if you:
Waiting for corona virus test results
Close contact with a person confirmed to be infected with corona virus
Just returned from a virus infection site
Question: What happens about insurance when you are quarantined during a vacation abroad? – Mrs. Dal, Manchester
The British Insurance Association (ABI) says this depends on the type of vacation you order. If you are quarantined during your vacation, you should first contact the company where you booked your vacation package to ask them what you should do.

Ask for help if you need food, other items, or medicine – you can ask others to bring items to your door, but you must not receive guests.
You should even avoid contact with your pets, if possible, and wash your hands well before and after touching them.
Question: My mother, now in her 80s, often goes to church. So how she would act during the mass? – Joanna Gordon, Walton-on-Thames
Some churches have given advice regarding the corona virus.
The Anglican Church said there were no government recommendations to stop sharing communion. However, the church said permission to receive the host – when the piece of fellowship was dipped in wine – was discouraged because it could spread the infection, and could be dangerous for those who are allergic to certain types of substances.
Until the corona virus outbreaks, sharing communion is no more dangerous than when using the cup in the regular winter, when the flu pandemic occures.
COVID-19: Super virus “enough of five poisons” – In an interview with the German news agency Deutsche on 22/2, famous German virologist Christian Drosten said even if all available resources are being used, the disease spreading will not eventually stopped.

The government where quarantine orders are expected to cover the costs of living and lodging.
If the quarantine period is longer than your vacation period, you should contact your travel insurance company. Depending on the insurance package you purchase, you may be able to claim the full amount you have to spend on those excess days.
If you buy a holiday package with an airline that participates in the air travel insurance program, you will have to be paid for the return ticket purchase.
Q: Will people who have had pneumonia have milder symptoms when infected with corona virus?
The new strain of corona virus, in rare cases, can lead to pneumonia, most notably in people with a history of lung disease.
However, because this is a new variant of the corona virus, no one is immune. Having pneumonia or other coronavirus infections, such as Sars, will not help an immune person from this new strain of corona virus and the lung diseases that Covid-19 can cause. The World Health Organization says it may take 18 months for the new vaccine against corona virus to be widely applied.
Fourthly – Airborne infection: Covid-19 can be transmitted when they are exposed to airborne droplets of dust. Even though wearing a mask, the protection is limited. This is also the way to spread the prevalent cold virus, tuberculosis virus.

Drosten explained that people with Covid-19 who have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, can still infect others, making the disease even more unpredictable.
Drosten also quoted the results of the calculation using the mathematical model of Imperial College London, which said that among Covid-19 infected people from China, only about 1 from 3 infected cases was detected. So he thought that ‘Wuhan pneumonia’ into a global pandemic was inevitable.
Based on the detected cases, Covid-19 can be seen as a form of virus that has a “perfect” level of virulence.
I – Path of infection: Covid-19 almost covers all transmission routes of infectious diseases in humans:
Firstly, infected by contact – Just contacting items of a person infected with Covid-19 virus can become infected.
Secondly, gastrointestinal infection – Using shared eating and drinking equipment can spread the infection, faeces and urine of a person infected with Covid-19 can also be a source of viral infection.
Thirdly, Respiratory infections – Diseases such as flu, measles …

Fifth, Blood-borne infections – Examples include AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B virus, Ebola virus.
II – Incubation period
The incubation period for Covid-19 is usually around 10 days, but some patients may have up to 14 days, and in rare cases can exceed 24 days or longer.
SARS patients do not infect others during the incubation period, but Covid-19 can infect others during the incubation period, even if there are no symptoms can still be contagious. There are patients who after being cured can still carry the virus and infect others.
III – Difficult to detect
There are experts who point out that Covid-19 is the most “cunning” virus, during the incubation period, that it can evade all of the testing methods currently available, even many tests fail to detect the infection.
Some people who are infected, during the incubation period, have been examined by many methods but still cannot be detected, they are considered to be normal people, but in fact they are a source of infection, even hyper-infection.

Covid-19 is highly contagious, with a base infection rate, also known as R-naught or R0, in the range of 2.2 – 3.5.
This coefficient indicates that each infected person can transmit the virus to between 2.2 and 3.5 others.
To date, compared with Ebola virus and avian influenza with the highest death rate (death rate of more than 50%), the mortality rate of Covid-19 seems to be much lower.
But from the perspective of the transmission of the disease, this lower mortality virus is more likely to spread, making more people infected.
If the mortality rate is high, the source of infection will decrease rapidly because of early death.
Because Covid-19 spreads rapidly, with strong toxicity, the most important measure to prevent Covid-19 infection is to enhance the autoimmunity, which is the body’s resistance.
There are many people who are stressed out, but the hot-tempered mood is even more likely to cause negative effects on the resistance. Therefore, everyone tries to keep optimistic mood to contribute to improving the efficiency of the body’s immune system, thereby improving the ability to fight off the disease.
In Vietnam today, according to state media, tens of thousands of people are being isolated in military facilities and many other places.
Many deaths have occurred, but the authorities in Hanoi say that they are “negative to Covid 19.”
According to the information circulated internally at the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam that we received, the actual infection of Covid-19 is taking place very strongly across the country, especially in the northern provinces.
Information hiding will continue to take place, in order to avoid panic among the public, which could lead to a political change.
Trung Nam from Da Nang – Thoibao.de (Translated)